Avoid a bad investment
Knowing about the web hosts that exist in the market, you will be able to prevent choosing one that is not appropriate and at the same time avoid a bad investment.
Why a bad investment? In the market, there are hosting rentals that are more expensive than others and therefore the benefits go according to the payment that is made. Well, imagine that a person called “Jose” uninformedly goes to a provider and rents an expensive hosting that he does not really need.
In this precise case, it happens, first, that he is making bad use of his capital because he could have invested the surplus money in other necessary tools so that his web works better and, second, he will have too many of the benefits offered by this expensive hosting, so he will not use them.
Do not change the type of hosting so fast
Surely “Jose” with the passing of time will realize that he really needs a different type of web hosting for the moment, so he will change hosting at the most opportune moment.
In conclusion, knowing about each type of hosting will help you to choose the one that suits you best and thus avoid the immediate jump from one hosting to another, as happened to “Jose”.
If you are just starting in the world of websites, I recommend you to read: What is a hosting and a domain? In this post, I explain in a simple way these two essential elements to create a website and I also answer some frequent questions asked by users.
Do not present problems with the website
For a website to run optimally, it needs hosting that is suitable for the situation it is in.
Just imagine acquiring a type of hosting that does not meet the demands of your website, it would be horrible, wouldn’t it?
The worst thing is that not only your site as such will be affected, but also your visitors, that is why choosing the right one is a decision that should not be taken vaguely.
What types of hosting are there?
Shared Hosting
Also called shared hosting, it is a type of hosting that shares the server with other clients. That is to say, the resources are shared.
It is important to clarify that only the resources are shared since the personal data are totally private. You don’t have to worry about personal information theft or anything like that. Visit our website if you need more information or have any questions about hosting for businesses.
This type of web hosting is usually chosen for personal blogs and small businesses.
Advantages of shared web hosting
- It is cheaper compared to the others, so you save on costs.
- No technical or advanced knowledge is required to manage it.
- The provider takes care of server maintenance
- Depending on where you hire the hosting it can be multidomain
- It is easy to use
Disadvantages of shared web hosting
- You have fewer resources than other hosts
- It can happen that your web or blog gets slow because a site is generating a lot of visits
- generating a lot of visits
- There are limits in the configurations and settings, you can not make changes to your liking
VPS Hosting
VPS Hosting or Virtual Private Server consists of sharing a physical server among several clients (websites) such as the shared one, but with the characteristic that each one has an exclusive virtual partition.
Thanks to this particularity are that the resources are not shared and therefore the performance of the different websites is not affected.
Consider that VPS is a type of hosting with an improved version of shared hosting and is cheaper than dedicated hosting.
This web hosting is recommended for sites that have considerable traffic and constant growth, besides demanding more resources.